EN032C - Consulting / uploading / validating the current document request to the companies and every element
We refer to document requests defined as:
We access the Current document requests screen at the menu (Document requests > Current document requests).
List of document requests as seen on the Current document requests screen
The documentation requested is shown in a tabular format, so every row corresponds to a requirement and every column details information regarding this requirement:
- Indicators ► to highlight different questions.
- If the document request has been previously provided, regardless of its current validation status.
- If today is not included in the period of time defined by the date from / date to introduced (for having finished or not having started yet).
- Requirement ► description of the document request.
- Type of item ► entity the document is requested to.
- Item ► precise element the document is requested to.
- Suppler ► company the element belongs to.
- Environment ► contract - work the document is requested for.
- Date from / Date to ► period of validity of the document request, which applies only when there are expiry dates.
- Upload date ► when the document was uploaded.
- Status ► stage of the validation procedure the document request is in.
- Actions ► to enter the Document request details screen.
Depending on the permissions given to the user, it can be possible to deactivate a single document request so it stops being requested to the element it applies to. This action is reversible and, when remaining deactivated, the row can be identified by its greyish background.
Deactivated request at the screen
Icon to deactivate / activate again a request
Some filters are available to ease the search.
- Requirement, to introduce a sequence of characters that will shorten the table only for those requirements containing it in its description.
- Status in terms of validation.
- Area the document request belongs to.
Advanced filters enable to delimit the list according to other criteria.
- Show documentation requested to one specific supplier ► we can see its subcontractors too.
- Show document requests per entity they are requested to.
- Requested to the company.
- Reqested to the elements (workers, equipment) ► we can choose only one element.
- Delimit the dates from / to of the documental requests.
- Show documentation requested as per its nature:
- According to the type of requirement.
- According to the factor of the requirement being critical / non critical.
All the filters can be combined for a more accurate search.
Notice days requests will be shown with a yellow background.