EN050C - Functional and physical environments

EN050C - Functional and physical environments

Every supplier involved in a project and its elements (workers, equipment) must be registered in the platform SerCAE One and associated to the clients they work for, but it is also necessary to have more information regarding the activity that they all will carry out for such clients, including its duration period and the location where it will take place.

It is achieved at 2 dimensions, that we can call:
  1. Functional environment ► related with the activity to be carried out and its lifetime, which can be broken down into 3 levels.
    1. Level 1: Divisions.
    2. Level 2: Services (in a division).
    3. Level 3: Contracts - Works (in a service).
  2. Physical environment ► related with the location where the activity takes place, which can be broken down into 3 levels.
    1. Level 1: Geographical areas.
    2. Level 2: Workplaces (in a geographical area).
    3. Level 3: Zones (in a workplace).

It can be outlined as shown next:
Functional and physical environment levels and association of suppliers and their elements to contracts - works

When associating a supplier and its elements to a contract - work, it is also necessary to define its dates from / to and the subcontracting level. This is easily visible at the Subcontracting tree-view screen.