EN049C - Consulting / editing / registering services and contracts - works

EN049C - Consulting / editing / registering services and contracts - works

We access the Services and works screen at the menu as follows.

Menu option

We can see the services already registered within a division. According to the permissions given to the user, it is possible to register a new service.

Services and works screen

The button CREATE enables to register a new service. An emerging window will ask some fields and, once filled in, we will access the Service details screen.

Registering a new service

Service details screen

The header shows the service data and its validity status.

Service validity icons

Thereafter we can see the compliance percentages of the documentation requested for all the contracts - works belonging to this service, broken down according to the entities the documents apply to.

Finally, we can see the works already registered within a service. According to the permissions given to the user, it is possible to register a new work by clicking on ADD WORK. When clicking on any of them, we will access the corresponding Work details screen.

Registering a new work

Work details screen

The header shows the contract - work data and its validity status.

Contract - work validity icons

Thereafter we can see the compliance percentages of the documentation requested for the contract - work, broken down according to the entities the documents apply to.

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