EN045P - Consulting the access authorisation / denial of every element to one site

EN045P - Consulting the access authorisation / denial of every element to one site

We access this screen at the menu option as shown next once one cliente has been selected.

Menu option

This screen shows the access control status for the elements of my company and/or its subcontractors for one site of the client my company works for. 

List of access control status per location screen

The location can be either a workplace or a zone inside the workplace. If in doubt, consult your client to avoid obtaining confusing data.

Some filters are available, being the most interesting ones these shown next:
  1. Option to consult the access status of the elements of my subcontracted companies.
  2. Option to specify one single element (worker, vehicle, item of machinery).

The column Result can display 2 values (authorised / denied) and the column Deadline shows the last day that the access will be authorised for this element.

Icons of the access control results

When clicking on any of the elements, we can consult its individual situation regarding the access result in a thorough way.