EN043P - The scope of one client
Supplier at the Client scope
The menu available at this scope is comprised of the following options:
Menu options at the Client scope
These options are:
- Document requests, which shows all the documentation requested to the company and its elements (workers, equipment) by this client my company works for.
- Access control.
- Elements associated to the client.
- Assigning works.
- Consulting the list of contracts - works my company takes part in.
- Tree-view vision of the participation of my company at every contract - work it takes part in.
- Reports.
- Compliance percentage report regarding the documentation requested by this client.
- On-site audits.
- Consulting the actions that my company has to carry out to correct / prevent the anomalies detected.
When entering the client scope after having selected a client, we access by default the screen showing the
list of contracts - works my company takes part in.
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