EN040P - Uploading / editing files for a document request at an aggregate incoming document screen
We access this
Document request details screen when clicking on the
Id /
Requirement columns at any row in any of the next 4 cases, always
before selecting any client:
- When consulting the tab Document requests at the Company details screen.
- When consulting Document requests at the menu when remaining at the Community scope.
- When consulting the tab Document requests at the Worker details screen at the Community scope.
- When consulting the tab Document requests at the Equipment details screen at the Community scope.
Document request details screen when remaining at the Community scope
The header of the screen shows:
- Id / Requirement.
- Status according to validity.
- Status according to validation.
At this aggregate model of the incoming document screen mode, the validation status shown at the header will correspond with that of the in process request or, if not, the one of the past request. It will never correspond to the status of the notification request, if existing.
The main body of the screen shows:
- Information regarding the expiry type if configured so.
- Request history tab (open by default), which shows the various timelines of the document request corresponding to different periods of time.
- Clients tab (hidden by default), which shows the clients that request (in addition to the Community) this document.
For every timeline, the following information will be visible:
- Status according to validity.
- Dates from / to if the document request has expiry dates.
- Request date.
- Notification date if configured.
- Link to open / download the files uploaded.
- Actions available ► depending on the action carried out and its previous validation status, this status could vary.
Actions available
In the event this document request has more than one period of time, it is highly recommendable to ensure that we are dealing with the right period of time.
Every timeline can be seen in a more detailed way to see its evolution through its lifetime. It is also possible to download every version of the file uploaded.
Details of a document request timeline