EN036P - Consulting / uploading the current document requests of one equipment element for one contract - work

EN036P - Consulting / uploading the current document requests of one equipment element for one contract - work

We refer to document requests defined as:

We access the Details of the element associated screen at the menu (Assigning works > Contracts / assigned works) when remaining at the client scope (once one client has been selected) to enter the contract - work scope (once one contract - work has been selected too) and once one equipment element has been selected as well.

Document requests as shown at the Details of the element associated screen at the contract - work scope

The documentation requested is shown in a tabular format, so every row corresponds to a requirement and every column details information regarding this requirement:
  1. Type ► status of the requirement regarding its validity.
  2. Requirement ► description of the document request.
  3. Date from / Date to ► period of validity of the document request, which applies only when there are expiry dates.
  4. Upload date ► when the document has been uploaded.
  5. Status ► stage of the validation procedure the document request is in.
When clicking on the fields Id / Requirement at one row, we will access the Document request details screen, where we can consult / upload / edit the documentation.

One filter is available to ease the search.
  1. Requirement, to introduce a sequence of characters that will shorten the table only for those requirements containing it in its description.