EN022P - Contracts - works my company takes part in for a client

EN022P - Contracts - works my company takes part in for a client

Once the client has been selected at the List of clients screen, we can see the contracts - works my company participates in.

List of contracts - works my company takes part in

The information displayed at the screen includes:
  1. The contract - work details when clicking on its code / description.
  2. The subcontracting level of my company (1 when cotracted directly by the client, 2 or higher when contracted by another contractor).
  3. The name of the company mine works for.
  4. The duration of the contract, as defined through its start / end dates ► this will determine the status of the contract - work in terms of its validity.
  5. The accreditation of my company in every contract - work.
  6. The compliance percentage of the documentation requested for being associated to this contract - work.
  7. The status of the contract - work according to its validity.