EN016P - Managing the users of my company

EN016P - Managing the users of my company

We access this screen from the home screen when clicking on Administration.

Entering the Administration menu

This screen shows the users registered of my company. It is allowed both to edit them / to add a new one.

List of users of my company

The screen of user details show the following fields:
  1. Status (active / deactivated).
  2. Code, which is automatically generated when registering the user (it will be the user name at the login screen).
  3. Name & Surname.
  4. Language for the notifications.
  5. Mail address.
  6. Type of user ► always Supplier User.
  7. Notification preferences, to configure them upon various criteria.

User details

When registering a new user, SerCAE One will send him/her a message containing user name & password. This password has to be updated the first time the user enters the platform.

We can register as many users as we need per company. There is no limit.

The profile of my user can be edited anytime when clicking on the icon at the main header of the screen.

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