EN007C - Entering SerCAE One as a client
The user can access this screen:
- From the Home screen.
- From the Company details screen.
Accessing from the home screen
Accessing from the Company details screen
Once entered as a client, the side menu will show some options, according to the user role, as seenn next:
Menu for client users
These options are:
- Document requests.
- Access control.
- Elements.
- Operation.
- Reports.
- Report of the compliance percentage of the suppliers and their elements (workers, equipment) associated to my client company.
- Report of the expiry status of the documentation requested to the suppliers and their elements (workers, equipment) associated to my client company.
- On-site audits.
- Consulting / registering / editing the templates for the audits that will be performed at the CLEVER Audit application.
- Consulting / registering / editing the types of reply for the audits that will be performed at the CLEVER Audit application.
- Consulting the audits performed at the CLEVER Audit application and synchronised to SerCAE One.
- Consulting the anomalies performed at the CLEVER Audit application and synchronised to SerCAE One / performed in SerCAE One.
- Consulting the actions registered for the anomalies performed at the CLEVER Audit application and synchronised to SerCAE One / actions registered at SerCAE One.
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