EN037P - SerCAE One scopes

EN037P - SerCAE One scopes

SerCAE One works under a Community concept, where various companies act as suppliers, clients or both of them.

In the supplier case, it is necessary to differentiate 3 scopes, in which different tasks will be carried out. These tasks will be grouped in 2 blocks for an easier understanding.

a) Regarding the register / association of elements of my company:
  1. Workers and equipment will be registered at the Community scope.
  2. Workers and equipment will be associated to the clients my company works for at the scope of these clients.
  3. Workers and equipment will be associated to the contracts - works they take part in at the scope of those contracts - works.
b) Regarding the documentation requested that has to be provided:
  1. Documentation requested by the Community itself will be uploaded at the Community scope.
  2. Documentation requested by one client will be uploaded at the scope of this very client.
  3. Documentation requested by one contract - work will be uploaded at the scope of this very contract - work.

All this line of reasoning can be displayed in the next outline:

Community / client / contract - work scopes

When we access SerCAE One as a supplier, we always enter the Community scope ► Once a client is selected, we enter the scope of this client ► Once a contract - work is selected, we enter the scope of this contract - work.

The secondary header of the screen becomes really useful to ensure the scope we are in at every time.

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