EN034C - Consulting / uploading / validating the current document requests of the companies for one contract - work

EN034C - Consulting / uploading / validating the current document requests of the companies for one contract - work

We refer to document requests defined as:

This can be done at the Assigned work details screen, that is accessible from the Operation option at the menu through 2 alternative ways:
  1. From the Services and Works screen: service details ► work details ► details of the association of one supplier to this contract - work.
  2. From the Subcontracting Tree-View screen: spreading a service ► spreading a work ► spreading the association of one supplier to this contract - work ► secondary button.

List of document requests as seen on the Work details screen

The documentation requested is shown in a tabular format, so every row corresponds to a requirement and every column details information regarding this requirement:
  1. Type ► to show the document request status according to its validity.
  2. Requirement ► description of the document request.
  3. Date from / Date to ► period of validity of the document request, which applies only when there are expiry dates.
  4. Upload date ► when the document was uploaded.
  5. Status ► stage of the validation procedure the document request is in.
When clicking on the description of the requirement at any row, we will be led to the Document request details screen, where you can upload / consult / validate the documentation.
A filter is available to ease the search.
  1. Requirement, to introduce a sequence of characters that will shorten the table only for those requirements containing it in its description.

This screen shows only the documentation requested to the company as an entity. To see the documentation requested to the elements, click on any of them to enter the Details of the element associated screen, both for workers or equipment.