EN026C - Accreditation of one supplier / its elements for one contract - work

EN026C - Accreditation of one supplier / its elements for one contract - work

At SerCAE One every supplier and their elements (workers, equipment) must be associated to those contracts - works they all take part in. Due to this association, some documentation can be requested to the companytheir workers and their equipment.

One of the attributes of the documentation requests is, as seen, the fact of being critical / non-critical, depending on how importat they are to the client. Those requirements defined as critical can be easily recognised.

Critical document request

The accreditation measures the compliance percentage of those requirements defined as critical for a contract - work:

The accreditation value can be easily seen at some SerCAE One screens:
  1. The list of suppliers associated to a contract - work at the Work details screen.
  2. The Assigned work details screen.

Accreditation / lack of accreditation of the suppliers associated to a contract - work

Accreditation / lack of accreditation of the supplier at the Assigned work details screen

It is also possible to see the accreditation of a single element (worker, equipment) for one contract - work. It is calculated on the documentation defined as critical applicable to this very element. This question can be easily seen at some screens:
  1. The list of elements associated to one contract - work at the Assigned work details screen.
  2. The Details of the element associated screen.

Accreditation / lack of accreditation of the elements associated at a contract - work

Accreditation / lack of accreditation of one single element associated at a contract - work

The accreditation values can be:

Accreditation values

These values will be understood as explained next:
  1. Accreditation is obtained when all the document requests defined as critical for this contract - work are validated.
  2. Accreditation is not obtained when any document request defined as critical for this contract - work is not validated.
  3. Accreditation is not applicable when there are no document requests defined as critical for this contract - work.