EN023P - Associating / ending the association of a worker to a client my company works for

EN023P - Associating / ending the association of a worker to a client my company works for

Once the worker has been registered in SerCAE One, the next step consists of associating him/her to the client he/she will work for.

This task is carried out at the client scope.

Client scope

This is achieved once the client has been selected at the List of clients screen. Click then on the option at the menu as shown next:

Menu option

This screen shows every worker registered and already associated to this client.

List of workers associated to a client

 The button ADD enables to associate a new one as long as he/she has been registered previously.

Window to associate workers to a client

Afterwards, the profile of the worker must be completed according to the typologies available for the client.

Enhancing the profile of the worker when associating him/her to the client

The choices made have to correspond to the worker and it may affect the documentation requested by the client to this worker. The types to be defined are:
  1. Type of identity document (single choice).
  2. Type of contract (single choice).
  3. Worker category (multiple choice).
  4. Type of worker activity (multiple choice).

Finally, a last screen enables to add more fields and to associate the worker to the contracts - works he/she will take part in for this client.

Associating the worker to a contract - work from the Worker details screen

Some questions can be modified once the worker has been associated to the client:
  1. CHANGE TYPES to edit the proffesional profile of the worker:
    1. Type of identity document.
    2. Type of contract.
    3. Worker category.
    4. Type of worker activity.
  2. DEREGISTER to end the association of the worker with this client, which entails as detailed next:
    1. The documentation being requested for being associated to the client is no longer requested to the worker ► if it becomes necessary to upload any document requested to the worker by the client, it will have to be done at the Past document requests screen.
    2. A deregistered worker does not have access authorised to the sites of the client, as it is not expected that this workers keeps working for the client.
    3. The worker stops being associated to the contracts - works he/she used to take part in for this client.
Although the documentation regarding this client is not requested any longer, other requirements requested by the Community and/or other clients remains being requested.