EN021P - Associating / ending the association of a worker to a contract - work for a client

EN021P - Associating / ending the association of a worker to a contract - work for a client

Once the worker has been registered and associated to the client, the next step consists of associating him/her to the contracts - works he/she will take part in.

This task is carried out at the contract - work scope.

Contract - work scope

This can be done in 2 different ways:
  1. Once we have selected a client, at the Worker details screen.
  2. Selecting a contract - work my company takes part in for this client and entering the Assigned work details screen.

Associating / ending the association of a worker to a contract - work from the Worker details screen

It will be interesting to associate the worker from the Worker details screen if this worker can take part in various contracts - works.

Associating / ending the association of a worker to a contract - work from the Assigned work details screen

There is an action available to associate / end the association of the worker to the contract - work:

Icon to associate / disasociate

It will be interesting to associate the worker from the Assigned work details screen if various workers can take part in this contract - work.