EN020C - Registering / editing workers of one supplier
EN020C - Registering / editing workers of one supplier
To do this, we will have to enter the platform as the supplier the equipment will belong to. This can be done be clicking on SUPPLIER at the row corresponding to the supplier at the Home screen.
We can register at SerCAE One both workers and equipment belonging to my company. Afterwards, they will be associated to clients and to contracts - works. This task is carried out at the Community scope. Community scope It can be done once accessed ...
The suppliers will be registered at the Community scope, by clicking on Administration at the Home screen. Communtity scope We will differentiate: Registeriing ► through the button ADD. Editing ► by clicking on the fields Company Identification ...
Once a new company has been registered as supplier, it is necessary to register its first Supplier User, as described next. Registering the first Supplier User To do this, select Administration at the Home screen and open the menu at Administration > ...
To do this, we will have to enter the platform as the supplier the equipment will belong to. This can be done be clicking on SUPPLIER at the row corresponding to the supplier at the Home screen. Entering the platform as a supplier We can register at ...
The Supplier User belongs to a company acting as a supplier. Supplier User and company he/she belongs to This user can carry out various tasks at SerCAE One, being the most important ones to register / associate their elements and to provide the ...